Realms and land of Gilnehas.

Here you will find some information about the factions of the world and some information about their culture, geography and society.


Dwarvendom of the Peaks

The northern mountainrange of Archia is populated mainly by dwarves. Since they are shudden people, seeing other dwarves in other parts of the world is often the result of uniquely-minded individuals of the dwarven society who decided to leave their homes, but these types of dwarves are scarce, so there are barely any dwarve communities far from their ancestral, frozen homeland. The cold, rocky and harsh environments of The Peaks fit perfectly the needs of dwarven physiology.

The Dwarvendom is a monarchy type of government. Power falls into the Dwarven High King, his titles are basically all land belonging to a geographical region known as the peaks.

Inspiration : Classical Dwarves, Art Deco, Dwarf Fortress.

Gath Empire

The first human settlers appeared in the Silence Valleys, a region now belonging to the Gathmeraudian Empire, or Gath Empire as many call them.

The Gath Empire has a feudal form of government and features a prominent chivalric culture.

Inspiration: Medieval Europe (specially England and France)

The League of Theos-Gi

There are many city states in the region of Theos-Gi. Most of this city states hold a suzerainty to the union of the three most powerful ones, commonly called the League of Theos-Gi. This means that in exchange for paid tribute, the other city states can hold a somewhat independent status.

The three main city states of the League of Theos-Gi are Thebisia, Lykopolis and Hericleon.

Inspiration: Ancient Greece, Mesoamerican city state leagues.

Mothron Khanate

The central valleys of Cripha were relatively irrelevant and non interesting for the Reuer and Orgus people, added to this fact is that since its dawn at central and northern Cripha, the Mothron tribes developed a nomadic lifestyle and warfare that allowed them to easily keep control of the Criphan steppes.

The mothron people have an unprecedented connection to nature spirits, due to this, nature is a powerful tool they can harness to ensure total control of their steppes. Added to this is the impecable warfare skill of the Mothron folk, which allowed this faction to be the biggest empire there has ever been during their prime era.

Mothron folk possess a magical conection to nature known as the Pact, this connection allows them to enter a symbiotic relationship with nature. Spirits of the wild will grant them knowledge, foresight, resources and assisstance in exchange for the same from the Mothron. Mothron Khans often perform a rite known as the Convergence, in which they communicate with the unified consciousness of natural life in their lands. Nature will guide them and in exchange the mothron will enforce its demands, should some appear. Nature is as decisive on the course of action of the mothron horde as its Grand Khan, which makes it the only ecocracy in existence.

Inspiration: Mongol Empire, Dothraki, Native American tribes, Bosmer.

The Orgus Dynasties

Every so often an Orgus faction/general will rise among its people and unite them in a prosperous kingdom led by a more ofhen than not oppresive dynasty.

The current Orgus dynasty is the Bei Dynasty.

Orgus are not specially good as soldiers, but what they lack in wafare experience they compensate in strategies and technologies, they have access to a huge amount of starmetal, vermillite and ectoplasm, the most coveted resources of Cripha.

Orgus culture values spirituality, philosophy, temperance and intelligence. They have strict honor and respect codes and traditions ruling their societies, but they are known to be greedy for power, because their dynasties all fail due to corruption and abuse.

The original and longest Orgus dynasty, the Kin Dynasty, was known for its cynical and oppressive nature. It was during the Kin Dynasty that the infamous Chamber of Comerce was created. This institution controls all economic affairs in the empire, and the rampant greed in Orgus nobility gives it the power to be the most powerful body in the empire. It is well known that the "Emperor" title is merely ornamental, because contrary to what their law states, the empire is practically run by the head of the Chamber of Commerce. This is why the most powerful leader of the dynasty is the one that rules the Chamber, while a lesser member of its house rules as Emperor, merely a pawn. Officially the Orgus Empire has no judicial body or standing army.The Huang Jian, a private army belonging to the Chamber of Commerce, are the ones that act as both enforcers of the law and army. In short: Orgus governments are often a merchantocracy.

Other common aspects of orgus dynasties are: cult of personality, lack of freedom of political opinion and speech, extreme propaganda and brainwashing of its people, but also no illiteracy, low hunger rates and high technologic development and productivity.

Inspiration: North Korea, Mexico, Ancient China, Japanese culture, Cyberpunk dystopias.

City State of Velma

This is a funny one. Its a city state, but its pretty big. Its actually the size of a normal kingdom. But rapid expansion and no interest in bureaucracy has led to the state of Velma to retain its city state status.

The architectural and aestethic style of the city is beautiful but eerie to many outsiders, combining urban megaconglomerations with gothic architecture has led many to think this city is simply "overwhelming".

Inspiration: Dark Souls, Victorian architecture, Gothic horror, Romanticism.

Elvish Confederation

When the elves arrived in the original singularity, their political scenario was a total mess. To get away from their world all elves had to join forces in creating an escape plan, when the plan worked and they landed on Archia, you had a bunch of elves with WAY different political views (it was political turmoil what started the wars that would eventually their world, after all) next to each other.

Naturally way too many states were formed, and dark years of war and chaos followed after some elven states planned a mass genocide of the human race. In time, the ideological war was mostly dominated by the elves who wanted to guide humans, instead of exterminating them, and racist and hateful ideas slowly dissipated, making the view of this topic homogeneous among all of the states. It is worth noting, however, that this ideas are far from gone, and some factions still fervently believe them.

Elves know in a world full of other races they must stay together to be strong, but their pride and stubborness is to big for them to form an Empire. This is why they settled down on forming a confederation that answers to Elven interests while each state can mantain its own politics. Its not uncommon to have two or more elven states at war with each other.

Inspiration: Modern day politics, thai and indonesia aesthetics, Altmer.

Elefantine Empire

The elefantine empire is one of, if not the most influential empires of the world due to a single reason, money. The once nomadic tribes of the Elefantine aridlands had been facing scorching climate and scarce wildlife until their fate turned for the best. As mining began to develop, hundreds of gold mines were discovered in the Elefantine Deserts and Savannas.

The Elefantine tribes, known for their warmth and union, quickly began to take advantage of this. In less than ten years the newly founded Elefantine Empire was the trade hub for all the world. Many of the most powerful factions warred against the Elefantine Empire for the control of the gold mines. The scorching and harsh nature of the Elefantine Aridlands halted armies enough time to allow the Elefantine peoples to forcefully become experts of guerrilla warfare. Mastery of these skills allowed them to remain a respected faction and the economical hub of the world even to this day, although since the aparition of Cripha, the Orgus Dynasties proved to be a worthy economic adversary.

Inspiration: Mali, Zulu, Wakanda, House Lannister, Dorne.

Technocratic Republic of Reuerfolk

The innocent Reuer people saw themselves being sacked and massacred thanks to the ambitions of the mothron and orgus peoples. This eventually led to the rise of a small reuer cult called "The Apostols of Perfection". The cult preached the reuer needed to enhance their fragile and tiny bodies, allowing them to fight this war to defend themselves. This culminated on many reuer submitting themselves to surgical procedures that implanted their maimed bodies into machines that enhanced them.

The Technocratic Republic of Reuerfolk (TRR, or "the Republic" as they call it themselves) is a technocratic theocracy governed by the Apostols of Perfection, its head of state is also the head of that faith. Once they waged war against the Reuer that resisted the surgical enhancement, but now they just see them as astray folk. This does not mean they are totally chill, since political and cultural tensions between these two peoples are still very volatile.

A bloody past of oppression turned them into ruthless soldiers, and in peace times, the people of the TRR spend most of their time either training for a war that might never come or in laboratories and workshops, constantly developing their skill with rough metal, steam and mechanisms.

It is worth noting that the dreadful appearance of the modified reuer scares many people, this forced them to develop policies that favor an isolationist empire. The TRR main source of income are mercenary groups. These groups are coveted by many factions of the world, for these extremely apt soldiers have barely any emotions and a horrid presence in the battlefield.

Inspiration: Hobbits, H.R. Giger art, Phyrexia, Cybermen, Dieselpunk, Quake, Warhammer 40K.

Free Republic of Southern Reuerfolk

After some Reuer started modifying their bodies with horrible machines, other Reuer rejected this. After the Great Criphan War ended, these resisting Reuer became persecuted. They became the Separatist Resistance, and they developed superb stealth and survival skills since they were no match for their modified kin. This conflict proved to be futile for both sides, and eventually the TRR agreed to grant land to the Separatist Resistance, this is how the Free Republic of Southern Reuerfolk was born.

The Reuer from the southern republic have tried to go back to their original calmness and countryside lifestyle. But the once lush southern criphan lands are now infertile wastelands due to the industrialization once perpetrated by their northern neighbors. This means their original lifestyle is not as "comfy" as it was but rather harsh.

Inspiration: Hobbits, Slavic culture and aesthetics, Conflic in North and South Korea, Rus of Kiev, Soviet Union.

Priorate of Psikk

The island of Psikk has no fixed position in reality, it constantly shifts due to the actions of its inhabitants, this, for starters, makes it impossible to conquer.

The island is controlled by the Priorate of Psikk, a monastic order of incredibly powerful, reality bending, wizards. Barely anything is known about these wizards, their motives are unkown and the only people not belonging to the order that have visited the island have done it because the monks themselves took them there.

The monks have no political allignment but they intervene when balance of reality is in peril.

Inspiration: Psijic Order, Marvel's TVA, Doctor Who, the SCP foundation.

Skargardsbrygg Commonwealth

Many many years ago, many groups of men migrated into the cold woodland of what is now called Skargardsbrygg. The cold climate and ferocious beasts transformed the Bryggites into a faction as ferocious as their land. In the beggining they were mostly thalassocratic tribes that found great honor in warfare. They develop the greatest naval techniques, and in the past this allowed them to start sacking and conquering neighboring lands, eventually they were able to sail and sack as far as the Elefantine Aridlands and the Peaks.

The Bryggites, or Southmen as most call them, are simple and have developed a strong sense of unity amongst their clans. Clan leaders ended up forming the Skargardsbrygg Commonwealth. This is a political unit with a common legal code that is built yearly on an almost ritualistic clanchief meeting, but no executive body that enforces said law. This means that the Skargardsbrygg Commonwealth is a stateless faction, the law is enforced by private parties like clanchiefs. Like the Elven Confederacy, the main priority of the Commonwealth is to protect its own people in case war against an external faction sparked.

Inspiration: The kingdom of Norway, The Iceland Commonwealth, Norse culture, House Stark, House Greyjoy, the Northman, Anarcho-Capitalism.

Petty Kingdoms of the Isles

The islands of Morbumnea and Bagranea are home to no specific race, but host a bunch of meritocratic kingdoms way too focused on war. They are commonly called the isle peoples, and not much is known about them since they are isolationists by conviction, but its very common to spot recruiting caravans from the isles in the mainland, they promise great riches for whomever joins their ranks.

The incredibly low amount of information the mainland has on both islands makes the inhabitants of the southern isles dreadful opponents. Several isle peoples raids and conquests against the mainland have been recorded troughout history, and in all of them the island armies stomp their opponents. It is poor management what allows mainland factions to retake their lands after a few years.

Unknown to the people of the mainlainds, the petty kingdoms as they call them are actually city states the isle peoples call "tepetl". The most important tool for a Tepetl ruler is fear, this is why public sacrifices are a corner stone of the culture of isle peoples, or Tlatocas, as they call themselves.

Mainland inhabitants record fierce warriors mounting gigantic bats and axolotls. They dress incredibly lightly, this means no armor, instead they just wear animal pelts and frightening war paints. An extraordinarily strict and efficient training makes them beasts in battle, added to this is the use of fear to gain psychological advantage on their enemies.

Inspiration: Mayans, Mexicas, the Sea Peoples, Akavir, Noxus, Isolationist Japan.