
Originally, Gilnehas was a planet with two main continents and some islands like Morbumnea and Bagranea. I had established it to be a world with three intelligent races and i had also established the real world influences for each of those races and its regions. At some point i wanted to introduce more races and influences, particularily asian, native american, gigeresque and later east european. This is why i created a cosmic event called the Landfall.

Original map of Gilnehas.

The Landfall

At dusk, during a day like any other, many many years ago, the sky suddenly let go a huge roar and the land rumbled all across Archia and Machia. The sky then turned dark and glittering sparks of changing colors covered it. Thousands of people watched a planet begin to form in the sky, it looked like paper burning but in reverse, with hot glowing embers near the borders of the planet as it gained form up in the skies.

Experts described the planet's surface as 70% water and 30% land. The planet stood there in the sky for 10 days. At night during the tenth day, the planet took a green spectral glow for a moment and then it dissapeared. At that moment, magiquists and kings around the world were worried, no one knew what this could mean, and since the magic emanating from this celestial body was completely different to the one in Gilnehas no one was able to grasp what was happening, but life went on.

As time went on, life continued as normal, ships sailed and travellers parted, but months later the ships would never return and distress signals would arrive from the sea. An expedition with the finest warriors from the land sailed from Theos-Gi towards the east.

What they found would change life forever. A new continent appeared in the east, it was almost as if it was ripped from its planet and forcefully sewn into Gilnehas, the lands and life there were different, completely alien to Gilnehas. It was inhabited by three races, the Orgus, the Mothron and the Reuer.

The political state of the new continent, Cripha, was in severe turmoil. The short version is that the three races had been in a sanguinary war that turned their own world into an unstable mess of eldritch energy. Their last chance of survival came when they used the pillars of trascendence (large obelisks, with unfathomable eldritch energy, scattered around their world) to graft their continent into Gilnehas. The war was originated by this same pillars, that spread the influence of a dark celestial being amongst the people of Setna (the other planet) poisoning their minds and sparking a war that lasted tenths of tousands of years. When ripped from Setna, the obelisks became inert and a broken society started to "heal", but the scars of battle changed the people from Cripha forever.


As expected, the people of Cripha and the inhabitants of Gilnehas went trough some sort of cold war, but with time the hostilities ceased and trade allowed Criphan society to live on with Gilnehas as a new home. Generations passed and the people of both worlds started working together.

The grafting of cripha, however, brought the attention of Yugg Yuggoroth towards Gilnehas and slowly but steadily, the dark son of the cosmos is starting to spread its influence in Gilnehas. It is unknown if the people of this planet, with the aid and previous experience of Criphans will be able to fight off this corruption in the distant future.

New Catemaco, the first Gilnehan settlement on Cripha, is a testament to the newly forged alliance of all races willing to share Gilnehas in relative peace.

Gilnehas after the landfall, WIP map.

More information

New Catemaco was the setting for a long "westmarches" type TTRPG campaign i had with my friends, the lore we created and the adventures our characters had both demonstrate and paved a glimpse of what it was to explore Cripha for Gilnehan folk back when the continent had just appeared.

You can find a chronicle of the New Catemaco campaign here.