

Preamble on how this started.

26 Mar. 2023

So, all my settings are fantasy but i also enjoy sci-fi a lot! My brain has gotten very used to adapt my ideas and daydreams to a fantasy setting and i want to be a more versatile creator so i set myself to the task of creating a sci-fi setting this time.

Im not very well versed in writing sci-fi but with the recent Dune success i felt very inspired by the idea of taking my favorite fantasy concepts and adapting them to a sci-fi setting. This is how this project started.


One of my latest hyperfixations has been feudalism and its implications. I want my sci fi setting to be set in a feudal society, this was easier to write than i expected. All i had to do was research why feudalism rose and why it worked, then i could easily adapt it to a space setting.


Writing religion into a world is always cool af, zealousness and divinity always work as the perfect condiment for a fantasy setting, but when using them in sci fi settings, like Dune, an amazing contrast is produced, which proves to be an even better spice (heh) for the setting.

Spaceships, armor and weapons

I just cant say no to warriors wielding cool swords and shields powered by tech. I also wanted to design cool exo-armors and spaceships. Why no guns? There are guns in this setting, but some exo armors (expensive and rare, which cant be produced in the sector anymore) have built in systems to vaporize small bodies with extreme kinetic energy.

Physics, science and lost knowledge

There is something very nice about the idea of technological knowledge being lost and the products of said tech transforming into relics (since they cant be made anymore). Science is many times left to the side when writing fantasy due to the presence of magic, but now i want to play with simple science concepts to explain the state of the universe, like enthropy and relativity and all that stuff which i will probably butcher, but at least i tried.


Megadungeons are a sexy concept, a dungeon so large and varied that it takes months or years to complete (reach the end). With so many occurences and changes it could be considered "alive". As testaments to what the galactic empire once was, this enormous complexes host unthinkable dangers and traps.

Worldbuilding Stuff

After the arrival of the Cosmic Wyvern, the Galactic Sector ended up recluded in itself, disconnected from any exterior contact. The Central Government, or at least its elements inside the sector, collapsed and shortages began starving millions inside the big cities.

Disconnected from the capital, the colonies became unstable and people began evacuating, looking for sustenance in nobles, who had self sustained properties in remote moons and planets. The nobles offered food, roof and protection in exchange of labor and loyalty.

Eventually, the nobles became kings and after some decades, these kings began fighting each other for the control of their lands and tech, and so, from one dark period to another, the galactic sector entered a new age of uncertainty, darkness and war.

With the fall of civilization, technology became scarce and knowledge related to it began to fade, for many of the components and materials used on the manufacture of advanced tech, as well as their respective factories and plants, were left outside the sector with the arrival of the wyvern.

This brought a new dark age, the fall of great scale communication infrastructure and an endless sea of bellic conflicts to earn control of the few advanced technology left. Also a virulent and fatal outbreak of ignorance, fear and fanatism.

Fallen cities became the so called "megadungeons", inhabited by bandits, beasts and corrupted mechanoids, few venture inside the laberynthine streets and passages of an abandoned city. Many kings have tried to reconquer these cities, but they have proven to be chaotic and just not viable to repopulate. Sometimes, these lords send troops to raid and loot the megadungeons in an effort to recover valuable lost tech.

After isolation, Protheus was the only super AI left on the sector. It became so indispensable that soon many started to find it existence "divine" and started praising it as a god. Now they recieve orders from Protheus and not the other way around, as it was meant to be.

Centuries after the fall of society, in Pelagos, a remote moon, a prophet appeared. Through miracles, he began amassing a considerable amount of followers, called the Pelagics. In time, the Pelagic Church became one of the most professed religions in the galactic sector. This is a religion with followers that have a great fervor, that wont hesitate when it comes to sacrificing millions in holy wars.

The Pelagic Church believes the Cosmic Wyvern is an envoy of god, meant to watch humanity and bind them until they prove their devotion. They see the isolation as a divine punishment because of their lack of faith.

Simultaneous to the rise of the Pelagic Church, in Akkadia, another prophet appeared, preaching escape and trascendency to go back to "the ancients" (their more technologically advanced forefathers). To akkadians, those who do not profess their ideologies and faith are heathens and enemies. This led them to begin a series of inquisitons and conquests against the rest of the galactic sector. They believe that only by eliminating "malignant" influence over their new eden will they fullly trascend and join god as equals.